Earn Big with PointsPLUS!
Trip.com has launched PointsPLUS, the easy way to earn reward miles or points when booking hotels.
Simply select the rewards program of your choice and you'll earn miles or points with every hotel booking!
How PointsPLUS Works
1. Search Hotels

Browse over 1.2 million hotels and make your selection.

2. Select a Room

Select an eligible room within the hotel of your choice.  

3. Enter Membership Number

Fill in your membership number when completing your booking and you'll receive the miles or points after your stay.  

Terms and Conditions (ID: undefined-undefined)

“Trip.com X Asia Miles Mileage Redemption Promotion” (The “Promotion”) Terms and Conditions

  1.       The Promotion is applicable to Trip.com X Asia Miles Promotional Page only.<br>
  2.       The Promotion is applicable to the completely checked-out orders for the eligible room types of hotels. No mileage of Asia Miles can be earned if the order is not paid, cancelled, or not checked-in. The members of Asia Miles must enter the membership number of Asia Miles upon booking the hotel to earn the miles. The registered name of the membership number must be identical with the name of the guest 1 entered in the order of booking the hotel.<br>
  3.       Every HK$10 (or equivalent in other currencies) of the amount (excluding taxes and surcharges) of the order of booking the hotel is entitled to 2 mileages for the amount . The order with less than HK$10 or the remaining amount with less than HK$10 is not entitled to any mileages. An example is as follows: if the amount (excluding taxes and surcharges)  of the order of booking the hotel is HK$987, then 196 mileages will be earned (HK$980 / HK$10 = 98;98 X 2 mileages = 196 mileages); the remaining amount with HK$7 will not be entitled to any mileages.<br>
  4.       The mileages of Asia Miles will be credited to the account of the member who has booked the hotel around 8 weeks after having completely checked out the hotel booked. The final mileage acquired may be slightly different from the mileage displayed during booking due to the fluctuation of the exchange rates.<br>
  5.       If the orders booked with promo code are changed, the orders will not be entitled to any mileage.<br>
  6.       The prices displayed on the hotel booking page are final. Please refer to the website of Trip.com to confirm the inventories and the price and the related terms and conditions.<br>
  7.       The personal data of the member who book may be collected and shared with the related partners for the purpose of redemption and calculation of the mileage. <br>
  8.       The cancellation and pre-payment policy of the hotels may differ depending on the hotel and the room type. Please refer to the booking policies of the hotel during booking for the details.<br>
  9.       In case of any disputes, Trip.com reserves the rights for final decision.<br>